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6 Month Smiles Braces - Cosmetic Braces System

Now you can have straight teeth in as little as 6 months!

Call 416-519-5550 for a FREE consultation!
What is Six Month Smiles braces?
Clear braces system to straighten crooked teeth (no metal visible)
Average treatment time of only 6 months (faster than traditional braces)
Less expensive than traditional braces
$500 off Six Month Smiles braces! Now discounted to only $4200. Limited time offer. (reg. $4700)

Click here to view your PAYMENT OPTIONS.
Please note that not everyone is a candidate for Six Month Smiles braces. The best candidates are those who do not have major bite issues and primarily want to straighten and improve the appearance of their front teeth only.

Take the free 5-minute online assessment to see if you are a candidate.

Have a question about 6 Month Smiles Braces or want to book a consultation? Fill out this form below.
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